Part 29: Episode XVIII: It Just So Happens...
Episode XVIII: It Just So Happens...
We are randomly thrown into a Lucrecia flashback. Well, not randomly. There is an exceedingly retarded reason for it, this time. The scene in question will still be utterly pointless.
Our hero Vincent Valentine, folks.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't the area around Nibelheim a bunch of craggy barren mountains? I must have missed the lush picturesque forest outside town. Then again, I'm missing anything resembling Nibelheim's mountains as well. Just how far did Vincent wander off to slack off on his duties?
Mid-afternoon and Lucrecia is already hitting the sauce. This explains just so many things.
Back in the present...
It's way creepier if you imagine they were just gazing into one another's eyes for the last three minutes.
Her data fragments responding...? Wait... Shelke had the Lucrecia flashback just then?!
I just wanted you all to be assured I wasn't making this shit up. Shelke is somehow loaded up with Lucrecia's memories and partial consciousness (from an era where the primary storage medium was apparently 3.5" floppy disks.) So, this
Jesus. H. Christ. I hate this game.
Nice to see in what is essentially the same exact scene, Yuffie has gotten over her mourning for the character she didn't even know.
Everyone wanders outside.
I was looking at this incredibly goofy little picture and I realized something... What the hell happened to Deepground? And Azul, for that matter? There was a full military siege that was never really repelled. Ah, forget it. Why do I try to make sense of any of this?
Oh hey, pretty FMVs. When was the last time we got to see one of those? Kalm?
This is Cid's new airship: The Shera. It also made an appearance in Advent Children.
It has also since gotten a whole lot of friends. Wasn't there only a single airship on the planet when the richest entity on the planet, with a stranglehold on the world's resources, was running the show? You'd think a global economic collapse and the world's sole major governing power folding would slow down production of airships. But hey, what do I know?
There is one unfortunate thing about Cid Highwind in the post Final Fantasy VII world.
He has a southern accent. Of the mumbling drawl sort...
Tune in Next Time For:
NPC Interaction!
Jogging and Pressing X!!!
Bonus Movies:
Stage 7 Intro (Part 2)
Cid Intro FMV
Cutscenes Present: 4
Cutscenes Total: 100